Advisory Activity
Strategic advisory activity exclusively transatlantic and centered on life sciences.
We created Facultas Partners to address the following:
The life sciences marketplace is global: The US and EU are two of the most desirable markets.
Health care markets in the US and EU are significantly different giving rise to structural complementarities and synergies between early-stage companies.
Emerging (Series A & B) companies lack the financial and human resources to successfully cross the Atlantic yet can greatly benefit from joining forces to develop a global vision, knowledge, contacts, expertise and the ability to generate revenue on both sides of the Atlantic.

Initially retained by either a US or EU company.
We identify potential collaboration partners across the Atlantic and engage in conversations with each company.
In close consultation with our client, narrow the field to a few potential partners and enable the transaction negotiations.
Formulate and articulate the collaboration agreements that are achievable, mutually acceptable, and transformative.
Assist the parties in formulating a road map toward broader and deeper collaboration potentially culminating in a merger.
Act as the anchor for the entire negotiation process.

We are long term partners and investors
We develop deep and thorough knowledge of the companies and their management teams during the advisory process, it informs our investment decision.
We actively help and advise the parties to execute on all the identified complementarities.
We add value by leveraging our substantial life science experience and presence on both sides of the Atlantic.